Category: Tattoo info
climate change and sustainability, what we are doing:
Climate change and sustainability are some our biggest challenges. Good news is that there many ways in which each of us, including our tattoo shop, can contribute to a better and greener future. In our tattoo shop we have taken different initiatives to make our workplace more sustainable, so that we can not only offer…
Growing older with tattoos, how to keep your tattoo beautiful.
“Will you still be happy with your tattoo when you are old?” You probably will hear this question a lot from people without tattoos. Of course you will still wear your tattoos with pride when you are older! “AGE BEAUTIFULLY, IN A NATURAL WAY, TOGETHER WITH YOUR TATTOOS, THAT’S GREAT RIGHT” What the f@ck? “ When…
Greek Gods, Gladiator & Roman Statue tattoos
Black and gray tattoos inspired by Greek mythology and religious subjects are popular for their depth, meaning, and aesthetic appeal.